Rural China2019-04-25T13:09:31+01:00


Rural China© is a small team of both local and foreign travel experts. Ever since 2006 we have been organizing trips in less touristy places of rural Yunnan. Here locals still do farming and practice ancestor worship, often dressed in their elegant minority costumes. Yunnan’s spectacular landscapes along with its ethnical minority groups, diverse cuisine, weekly markets, sacred snow glazier mountains and emerald green lakes, leaves deep impressions on each traveller. China is moving fast and constant development means major changes in the living standards of the Chinese people, as the country transforms into part of the modern world Read more



Our team of experts offer mouth watering special offers. From adventurous elephant trekking to awe-inspiring beaches, our collection of destinations is irresistible.

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“…The landscapes are quite overwhelming and very varied. We had not realized the importance and richness of the minority cultures in Yunnan. Ilian made us discover the architecture and way of life of some of the different minorities…”

Niklaus & Christina (Switzerland) Yunnan Trip May 2013

“Thank you so much for helping us enjoy our all-to-brief in Yunnan. Your expertise, and more your dedication, in finding real, authentic, fascinating locations, food, and people made our time in southwestern China rich and unforgettable. Our little group of four friends are eternally thankful that you were available and able to understand our interests and priorities quickly so that we could make the most of our 10 days there…”

Patrik K. (USA/UK) 2013 October


When it comes to our advice we’re proud to say we’re different. We offer something a little more special.

Пётр Гуляр

"В Лицзяне бытовала совершенно иная, нежели на Западе, концепция времени. В Европе и особенно в Америке люди тратят большую часть времени на зарабатывание денег — не столько для того, [...]

Shaxi: Shibaoshan Cave Temples

Shaxi Yunnan Province China June 6, 2014 Dear Friends, I should have known better.   I should have looked at my map.  I should have been more aware of my [...]